Wireless DMX since 2005
Wireless Solution has a proud history of manufacturing Wireless DMX products since 2005 – products such as the MicroBox, WhiteBox and BlackBox that now are considered legacy products.
But just because they are older, doesn’t mean they are ready for the scrapheap! Quite the opposite – these legacy products can still be and are still being used. So of course, we will continue to provide support for them.
Note: The protocol used by Orb TX is supported by all legacy products, and all receivers are also compatible with legacy products.

Technical Documents
Instructions for libusb Driver
Co-Existance tool libusb driver instructions
W-DMX OEM Implementation Guide
Revision 4, 2021

Firmware 2.10.816
for G4 models
Firmware 3.2.50
for G5 F-x models
Firmware 3.2.30
for G5 R-512 models
W-DMX Firmware Changelog 3.5.30, AddOn 19